Amberley Business Directory | Canterbury
Search Amberley's directory in North Canterbury. Find rural services, retail stores, local providers & hospitality venues in this wine country town.

Construction and Trades in Amberley
Health And Wellness in Amberley
Professional Services in Amberley
Property Services in Amberley
Automotive Services in Amberley
Food and Beverage in Amberley
Maintenance and Cleaning in Amberley
Beauty and Personal Care in Amberley
Education and Training in Amberley
Pet Services in Amberley
Accommodation Services in Amberley
Events and Entertainment in Amberley
Media and Arts in Amberley
Manufacturing and Industrial Services in Amberley
Community Services Category in Amberley
Tourism and Recreation Category in Amberley
Retail and Shopping in Amberley
Agriculture Category in Amberley
Additional Information about Amberley
Amberley, a growing rural service town in the Hurunui District of Canterbury, is known for its wineries, lifestyle properties, and close-knit community. Surrounded by picturesque vineyards and farmland, Amberley offers a serene rural lifestyle just north of Christchurch. The local economy thrives on agriculture, viticulture, and tourism. Amberley's boutique wineries and farmers' markets attract visitors seeking high-quality local produce and wines. The town's amenities, including cafes, shops, and parks, cater to both residents and tourists. Professional services in Amberley include healthcare providers, educational institutions, and rural consultancies. Investments in infrastructure and community programs enhance the town's livability and economic growth. Amberley's blend of rural charm, natural beauty, and strong community values makes it a standout destination in Canterbury. Its proximity to Christchurch and dynamic economy ensure its continued growth and appeal.