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Opunake Business Directory | Taranaki

Find businesses in Opunake, Taranaki's surf town, known for dairy farming, coastal tourism, and hospitality services.

Additional Information about Opunake

Opunake rides the sweet spot between surf culture and dairy farming strength, where rolling waves meet rich pastures beneath Mount Taranaki's watchful gaze. This energetic coastal town serves as both a surfing haven and a crucial service center for the region's dairy industry. The town center hums with a mix of agricultural services and beach town amenities, from farm supply stores to surf shops. Local businesses benefit from the dual economy of agriculture and tourism, with the artificial lake adding another layer of recreational appeal for visitors and residents alike. Agricultural service providers work alongside tourism operators, creating a diverse business environment that includes dairy support services, hospitality venues, and outdoor recreation providers. The business community spans farm consultants, surfing instructors, retail shops, and accommodation providers who cater to both the farming sector and beach enthusiasts. Between the thunder of the Tasman surf and the gentle lowing of dairy herds, Opunake strikes a unique balance of coastal charm and agricultural muscle in the heart of South Taranaki.

Arrowtown Main Street

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