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Longburn Business Directory | Manawatū-Whanganui

Browse businesses in Longburn, Manawatū, an industrial and rural hub providing agricultural processing, logistics, and local services.

Longburn bridge and shoreline during sunset

Additional Information about Longburn

Longburn is a strategic industrial center in the Manawatū region, combining significant dairy processing operations with manufacturing and transport logistics. This established industrial hub near Palmerston North supports diverse business operations while maintaining strong connections to its railway heritage. The area hosts major dairy processing facilities, industrial operations, and transport services. Local businesses leverage Longburn's excellent transport connections and industrial infrastructure, providing vital services to both the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. Professional industrial services and logistics operators support the area's key industries, including dairy processing, freight handling, and manufacturing services. The business community includes food processors, transport companies, and industrial suppliers, all contributing to the region's industrial strength. Between railway lines and processing plants, Longburn's industrial heritage evolves into a modern manufacturing powerhouse, where food production excellence meets strategic logistics in this vital Manawatū hub.

Arrowtown Main Street

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